Nutritional Info

Duck eggs are 20g larger than chicken eggs, giving you more of that distinctive flavor that is both savory and creamy. With 52 more calories than chicken eggs, duck eggs provide denser nutritional content that fuels your body day-in and day-out. So where do those extra calories go?

Foods that are broken up into three basic units: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Duck eggs have 0.41g more carbohydrate and 2.97g more protein per serving than a chicken egg. In addition, Duck eggs have no unhealthy fats like Monosaturated or Polysaturated Fat, but do have 0.98g more Saturated Fat than chicken eggs. The result is a richer, more flavorful yolk that is an excellent addition to any meal, any time. 

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats comprise 90% of a normal diet, and are called macronutrients. The other 10% are called micronutrients and include vitamins and minerals. Duck eggs have a tremendous amount of micronutrients compared to chicken eggs. For example, duck eggs have 92.4mg More Potassium, 4% More Vitamin A, 12% More Iron per Serving than a Chicken Egg, and 2% More Calcium per Serving than a Chicken Egg.


Duck eggs are nutrient dense and provide individuals with macronutrients and micronutrients needed to survive and thrive. Couple that with a heavenly flavor, and you really can’t go wrong. Enjoy the All Day Egg today, and Discover the Difference.

Comparison Between Duck and Chicken Egg

Duck Egg
Chicken Egg